Is Body Language fading out of the human skill set?
I was listening to a conversation about how many people have head-down interactions. A couple of hours later, I saw several posts and articles on the sensitivity of the younger generations. Yes, at almost 59 years old, I am becoming one of those elders.

Healing into Wholeness
Healing into wholeness happens from the inside out and starts with recognition that something is broken and weakened.

Our Layers of Being Human, Psychosomatically Speaking
We, humans, are long-lived complex creatures with many layers to our being and our interactions.

What is Bodymind communication?
What do you think when you hear the word communicate? When I ask my clients, most of them associate communicating with…
What Is Evolution?
Undoubtedly, This is a heavy question. In fact, I could likely write a whole article on such a huge topic. Today however, I want to…