What Is Evolution?

Undoubtedly, This is a heavy question. In fact, I could likely write a whole article on such a huge topic. Today however, I want to share my father’s simple explanation.

To perform better than those who created you.

When we focus on these words, our role as influencers of young people suddenly makes a whole lot more sense. 

While we could be threatened by this theory, perhaps even not want our kids to conquer more than us, we must think about the word itself. 

Evolve, What does it mean?

The Cambridge dictionary defines it as:

 “To develop gradually, or to cause something or someone to develop gradually

When we are evolving, developing gradually, we are moving forward. If nothing moved forward, how would advancements ever be made? Think back to when you were a child, what technology is available to you now that you didn’t have then? Through our lifetime, we reap the benefits of evolution; the gradual development of moving forward. 

Adults who have the joy of young people in their lives, be it parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers, mentors...and remember it does take a village to raise a child, we have honour of guiding the future generation to perform better than us.

How do we as adults do our bit to keep humans evolving?

I work on very simple principles to work my way through this question. A person standing before you is made up of many chapters. Part of my job is to read and understand their story and assist them to continue evolving as the best version of themselves.

To reach adulthood we have encountered life; we have changed to fit the environment around us. The reality is, whether we are aware of it or not, we pass on our perception of the world to the young people in our lives. 

At the end of the day, we want the young people in our lives to be happy, resilient, and of course healthy. If I was to ask you, do you want the young people you have an influence on, to carry around the baggage you have acquired through your time on earth? I think most of you reading this would answer NO!

When my clients bring the young people whom they have the privilege of guiding through life, we delve into the journey thus far:

  • Who has been the biggest influence in the young person's life?

  • What makes them happy and of course what makes them sad?

  • How have they coped with hard times? And what has been some of the advice given to them. (This is where your baggage can come out in the young person)

  • What do they enjoy? What don’t they like doing?

By taking time to reflect and assess things that have happened in the past, we are giving this young person the opportunity to conquer life in all its glory. The end goal gets back to my father’s belief that evolution is guiding the next generation to perform better than those who created you.

Life is precious and it’s a gift that we can help guide the next generation to evolve into the best versions of themselves. If you would like to know more about how I can help you guide a young person in your life, I’d love to hear from you.


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